North Shore Elementary School

North Shore Elementary School
Discipline Plan  

5701 Silver Plaza

Jacksonville, Florida




August 2002




Dear Parents,


It is with pleasure that we welcome you and your child back to school.  We are all looking forward to a very exciting and rewarding year.  In order to provide our students with excellent educational climate they deserve, we have developed the attached School-wide Discipline Plan.  This discipline plan will be in effect at all times.


It is in your child’s best interest that we work together with regard to his/her education.  We have already discussed this discipline plan with your child, but would appreciate it if you would review it with him/her before signing and returning the form below.


Thank you for your support.





Dr. Amy Lingren




I have read North Shore Elementary School’s School-wide Discipline Plan and discussed it with my child.


Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______________________________________________


Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________


Room # / Teacher: ________________________________________________________


Comments: _____________________________________________________________





North Shore Elementary





Quarterly Award Program

Students who earn Honor Roll (A & A/B), Top Student, Perfect Attendance, and Citizenship will receive recognition at the quarterly awards assembly.  This is presented with great distinction and praise given to those students who have earned it.  Each student is recognized and presented with an award distinguishing them.


Awards Day Drawing

The names of students with grade “A” in citizenship are drawn during the awards assembly.  A winner from each grade level will receive a special prize.


Lunch with the Principal

The names of students with an “A” in citizenship are drawn during the awards assembly.  A winner from each grade level will have lunch with the principal and or vice principal.


Student of the Month

This award is a wonderful recognition, which spotlights a student from each classroom for an entire month.  Each classroom teacher selects a student from his or her class monthly who displays appropriate behavior in school.  Students are spotlighted on the Student of the Month bulletin board, which displays student writing and/or personalized, hand-decorated designs, which reflect why they were selected and correlates to the Learning for Life character traits. The month long recognition culminates with a reception in honor of the students and their parents.  Each child is presented an award and is recognized at the reception.  The listing of students who have earned this award also appears in the school newsletter (Charger’s Press) that is distributed to all parents and business partners.


Grade Level / Classroom Incentives

Teachers reward students who display appropriate behavior with special treats, Lunch Bunch, field experiences, etc.










Grades K – 5



The school-wide discipline plan will consist of a chart with 5 color blocks for each intervention.  The colors and intervention are as follows:


·        Red – Excellent behavior

·        Orange – Verbal warning

·        Yellow – Think tank/ Action plan/ Loss of privileges/ Class mtg. Discussion

·        Green – Separate from situation/ 30 minute time-out; Planning form/ Parent     


·        Blue – Referral/ Parent notification/ Attach documentation of interventions


Consequences are at the behavior specialist and/or administrator’s discretion. 

Serious or chronic behavior may be referred to an alternative program for students with continuous behavior / discipline offenses.




  1. Appropriate school behavior is expected of ALL students.
  2. Students who fight may be automatically suspended from school depending on the circumstances and severity of the fight.
  3. The administrator’s discretion is in effect for the management of this discipline plan.










            In an effort to accomplish the goal of planning specific rules for behavior and expectations for our students at North Shore Elementary School the following School-wide Plan will be implemented.



As students of North Shore Elementary School, we will:

1.      Follow directions the first time they are given.

2.      Keep hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.

3.      Keep school property clean inside and outside.

4.      Show respect for adults, other students and ourselves.

5.      Avoid name calling, use of inappropriate language and gestures, teasing, and taking things that do not belong to us.

6.      Be prepared and on time daily.




Teacher and administrator interventions / disciplinary actions will occur as indicated on the attached disciplinary plans.



As students at North Shore Elementary School, we will:

  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Walk; don’t run, inside the cafeteria.
  3. Speak in soft voices.
  4. Remain seated.
  5. Clean up our spaces after eating and put trash in the proper receptacles.
  6. Line up in quiet and orderly manner.



Students with 5 unexcused absences in a month or 10 or more unexcused absences within a ninety (90) day period will be referred to the Attendance Intervention Team.



Tardies will be recorded in the attendance register and become part of the students’ permanent record.  Students will be referred to an administrator when he/she has been tardy frequently during a grading period. 








Date: __________________________


Student:  _____________________________________________________________


Teacher:  _____________________________________________________________



Dear Parent:

            We believe that the school cafeteria is an extension of the classroom and that the dining in the cafeteria should be a pleasant experience for everyone.  While we acknowledge the need for students to socialize during mealtimes, playing and arguing during this time does not foster a healthy dining atmosphere.


            Your child has displayed inappropriate and unacceptable cafeteria behavior and needs to improve his/her behavior by:


            _____  Obeying the cafeteria rules

            _____  Obeying the instruction of the adult in charge

            _____  Lowering his / her voice

            _____  Displaying proper table manners

            _____  Being polite to others

            _____  Remaining seated during the dinning period

            _____  Lining up properly


            Continued inappropriate behavior will reflect your child’s citizenship grade, as well as resulting in possible removal from the cafeteria.  Please discuss with your child the importance of improving his/her behavior.


Comments:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Mrs. Deidra Johnson

Vice Principal



Please sign and return





North Shore Elementary School

School-wide Discipline Plan


It is the goal of this plan to initiate a school-wide effort to teach children effective and positive problem solving skills and appropriate social behaviors.  When a student is out of school he/she misses valuable educational experiences.  Therefore, it is our goal to implement a plan specifically designed to keep the student in school and in class.


This goal will be accomplished by:


Establishing, modeling, and practicing rituals and routines


Conducting daily class meetings


Setting high academic and behavioral expectations that are clearly defined and shared with students and parents



This school-wide plan sets forth consistent, systematic guidelines that provide for a safe, educational environment.  It offers teachers effective preventive strategies and in-class disciplinary measures to be implemented in every classroom.  This plan fosters self-awareness, self-discipline, self-respect, and respect for others and their property.


School-wide Expectations:


Be respectful to adults, children, self, and property of others.


Make smart decisions.


Work to the best of your ability.


Come prepared to learn everyday.


Resolve conflicts without harmful words or actions.










1.      Makes inappropriate comments to other students (argues, call names, curses, uses obscenities, makes rude comments).











  1. Responds inappropriately to typical physical exchanges with other students (being  

bumped, touched, brushed against, etc.)

·        Have the student to lead the line, walk at the end of the line; in order to avoid or reduce typical physical exchanges with other students.


·        Have the student practice appropriate verbal exchanges which should be made when typical physical exchanges take place (i.e. “Excuse me”, “I’m sorry”, etc.)


·        Practice role-playing in the classroom that involves typical physical exchanges.


·        Parent notification.


3.     Responds inappropriately to friendly teasing (i.e. jokes, sarcastic remarks, name calling, etc.)

·        Explain to the student, that friendly teasing is a positive means be which people demonstrate that they like other people and enjoy their company.


·        Help the student recognize the difference between friendly teasing and unkind, rude remarks in order that the student can accept and appreciate friendly teasing.


·        Teach the student appropriate ways to respond to friendly teasing.


·        Encourage the student to discuss the problem during class meetings.


  1. Does not resolve conflict situations appropriately (i.e. runs out of classroom or supervised area without permissions).







5.     Demonstrate self-destructive behavior (i.e. hits, scratches self; destroys personal property or clothing, etc.)

·        Specify what behavior is expected and what reinforcement will be made available when the terms have been met.


·        Prevent frustrating or anxiety producing situations from occurring (i.e. give the students tasks on his/her ability level, give the number of task that he/she can tolerate in one sitting, stop interactions which stimulate the st8udent to become self-destructive, etc.)


·        Refer the student to the guidance counselor.


·        School staff may ask parents or guardian to come to the school to talk about the problem.



6.  Throws temper tantrums.

·        Speak with the student to explain: (a) that you recognize that he/she is unhappy and (b) appropriate ways to deal with the unhappiness.


·        Reinforce the student for dealing with unhappiness in an appropriate manner based on the number of times he/she can be successful.  Gradually increase the amount of time required for reinforcement as the student demonstrates success.


·        Teach student alternative ways to deal with demands, challenges, and pressures of the school-age experience (i.e. deal with problems when they arise, practice self-control, at all times, share problems or concerns with others, etc.)


·        Parent conference.


·        Loss of privileges.


·        In school suspension.